Welcome to my Diary! This is a place where I share my thoughts and feelings about day to day life!!

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Candy's Diary


First ever diary entry woooo!! Today was alright :D I watched fight club for the first time!! I didn’t like it very much honestly (violent movies aren’t really my thing), but I’m glad that I saw it anyways! I also started watching the new bee and puppycat season on netflix, and I think its okay so far! I really don’t like that they made Bee thinner though, I don’t know if I can finish the new season because of how much it bothers me :( I think I want to try drawing Bee soon though! Maybe tomorrow!!


Hi everybun, long time no see! :> hehe.. today I hung out with some of my friends & got crossfaded!! Bunny hits the bong :O.. it was really fun, even though I was a litte nauseous.. I like weed so much it makes me feel so loose & jiggly.. I have a huge crush on the girl I'm hanging out with rn ehhehehehe !! I love everything & I am so excited because I have a date with my crush on Monday :> I think she is so awesome .. I can't wait to upload more diary entries for you guys in the future!!
